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Collector's suits | Food

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The thieving skill allows you to attempt to steal things from NPCs and their stalls/shops. Other people don't take too kindly to thieving though, so be warned, if this is the path you choose, you will find yourself an outlaw, disliked by most townsfolk you come across.

In addition to the actual thieving, you can also gain Theiving experience by opening locked items, such as boxes and chests, by using a Lockpick or by Gravedigging at certain locations with a Shovel.

To start Thieving does not require any tools, all you have to do is click on any NPC in the town menu and then click to pickpocket them. If you are successful you may steal some of their Sol. If not, you will probably be thrown in gaol for a short time.

NPC Thieving

When attempting to pickpocket a NPC, your Thieving level and the level of your target play an important role in both the odds of success and the length of gaol time if you fail.

For example, if you are level 1 Thieving and you attempt to pickpocket someone with level 10 thieving, you have much less chance of success, but you will have a shorter gaol sentence if you fail. Whereas if you were level 10 and your target was level 1, you will have a higher chance of success, but if you fail your gaol sentence will be longer.

The experience for player thieving is set at 25 for a success, and 5 for a failure.

NPC Shop Thieving

Once you have reached Thieving lvl 12 you will open up the option to thieve items from shops. The higher the cost of the item, the more difficult it will be to thieve it, so it would be best to stick to cheap items (1 & 2 Sol) for a while.

If you succeed in stealing an item from a shop, you will gain (ITEM_PRICE * 1.5) Thieving Experience. If you fail, you gain 8 Thieving Experience, regardless of the price, and will be sent to gaol for (ITEM_PRICE * 30) seconds

Once you reach Thieving lvl 25, you will also be able to attempt to steal the Sol from a shop. If you succeed you gain 100 Thieving Exp, if you fail you will gain 15 Thieving Exp and be sent to gaol for between 15-30 minutes).

Gravedigging Tools

Below you will find a summary of all the tools currently available to use in Gravedigging.

NameLvl Req
toolKalenite Shovel 1
toolKam Shovel 7
toolEntrium Shovel 13
toolCoridium Shovel 24
toolErthhart Shovel 35
toolLightshard Shovel 48
toolMaelniir Shovel 61
toolBludore Shovel 75
toolRelmymik Shovel 89
toolTrillid Shovel 104
toolSharite Shovel 120
toolOspulsior Shovel 137
toolElyssiard Shovel 155

Gravedigging Locations

Below is a list of all the locations where you can currently dig up graves.

IslandLocationLvl ReqExpTimer
Ralnera IslandVissa11437
Veresa IslandMarden Chapel152044
Veresa IslandNewglade252650
Veresa IslandDeep Twilight Forest403860
Lensya IslandVon454464
HeimaThe Crossing606478

Lockpicking Tools

Below you will find a summary of all the tools currently available to use in Lockpicking.

NameLvl Req
toolKalenite Lockpick 1
toolKam Lockpick 7
toolEntrium Lockpick 13
toolCoridium Lockpick 24
toolErthhart Lockpick 35
toolLightshard Lockpick 48
toolMaelniir Lockpick 61
toolBludore Lockpick 75
toolRelmymik Lockpick 89
toolTrillid Lockpick 104
toolSharite Lockpick 120
toolOspulsior Lockpick 137
toolElyssiard Lockpick 155

Lockpicking Items

Below you will find a summary of all the items you can currently lockpick.

NameLvl ReqFoundExp
Small Locked Box1Fishing, Mining, Woodcutting, Exploration, Gravedigging12
Large Locked Box15Fishing, Mining, Woodcutting, Exploration, Gravedigging75
Locked Chest30Exploration, Gravedigging150

In addition to these items, you may on occasion come across static items such as Boxes, Chests, etc... which you cannot take, but you can lockpick for their contents. These will have varying level requirements, depending on the value of the contents.

Breaking and Entering

On occasion, you may come across a location which is locked but which gives you the option to break into. The level requirement will be dependent on the location itself. Each time you attempt to pick the lock, you can be successful or unsuccessful, if you are unsuccessful you will try again at the end of the timer, if you are successful, you will then be able to enter the location.