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Skills:   Aestium | Alchemy | Combat | Conjuring | Construction | Cooking | Crafting | Creature Handling | Enchanting | Exploration | Fishing | Fletching | Gardening | Glassblowing | Harvesting | Hunting | Mining | Navigation | Smithing | Speed | Tailoring | Thieving | Woodcutting | Woodworking

Special Equipment:   Aestium | Alchemy | Conjuring | Construction | Cooking | Crafting | Creature Handling | Enchanting | Exploration | Fishing | Fletching | Gardening | Glassblowing | Harvesting | Hunting | Mining | Navigation | Smithing | Speed | Tailoring | Thieving | Woodcutting | Woodworking

Collector's suits | Food



A small town between the port and Sunsolan, the main fishing area on this island. It's main business is lodgings, putting up traders and travellers for the night as they make their way to and from other parts of the island. The community seems friendly enough and they're happy to offer you a room if you want one.

Work LinksSawmill, Dig In The Graveyard,
Sub LocationsChurch,
Adjacent LocationsWestport, Sunsolan, Telarynn,
Can Build?Yes
Can Trade?Yes
Can Cook?Yes
Exploration Exp650