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Jump to: What is mining?||How do I start mining?||Ore Locations||Tools||Special Tools||Random Finds

What is mining?

Mining is the process in which ores, and other resources, are retrieved. The ores and resources are extracted carefully with a pickaxe from the rich veins which are scattered around Elyssia.

How do I start mining?

To start mining, you will need a pickaxe. Once a pickaxe is equipped, you will be able to mine Myztrium and Renite ore or Sandstone which can be found at Wrentan Mines.

Ore Locations

Mining must be done where an ore presents itself on the surface. Mining on Sodonia will grant you the ability to mine 2 sandstone at once due to the sandy environment of Sodonia. The following resource and ore veins can be found around Elyssia.

NameLvl ReqExpTimerLocation
toolSandstone 1 14 37 Wrentan Mines
toolSandstone 111 207 139 Whitepoint Cave
toolMyztrium Ore 111 207 139 Erna
toolMyztrium Ore 1 14 37 Wrentan Mines
toolRenite Ore 1 14 37 Whitepoint Cave
toolRenite Ore 111 207 139 Erna
toolRocks 1 5 20 Earth Temple
toolRenite Ore 1 14 37 Wrentan Mines
toolMyztrium Ore 1 14 37 Whitepoint Cave
toolMyztrium Ore 54 50 72 Rostra
toolUnstable Fawkium 1 15 30 Wrentan Mines
toolRenite Ore 54 50 72 Rostra
toolKam Ore 7 17 40 Wrentan Mines
toolEntrium Ore 13 20 42 Promshi
toolCoridium Ore 24 26 49 Blackhand Mountains
toolErthhart Ore 35 34 56 Penin Mines
toolLightshard Ore 48 47 66 Rostra
toolMaelniir Ore 61 66 78 Oolaktan
toolBludore Ore 75 94 96 Ruins of Aaranbad
toolRelmymik Ore 89 134 111 La buca Satana
toolTrillid Ore 104 196 134 Erna
toolSharite Ore 120 294 165 Whitepoint Cave
toolOspulsior Ore 137 453 204 Whitepoint Cave
toolElyssiard Ore 155 716 256 Whitepoint Cave


These pickaxes can be used to help retrieve ores.

NameLvl Req
toolKalenite Pickaxe 1
toolKam Pickaxe 7
toolEntrium Pickaxe 13
toolCoridium Pickaxe 24
toolRaahn Pickaxe 25
toolErthhart Pickaxe 35
toolLightshard Pickaxe 48
toolMaelniir Pickaxe 61
toolBludore Pickaxe 75
toolRelmymik Pickaxe 89
toolTrillid Pickaxe 104
toolSharite Pickaxe 120
toolOspulsior Pickaxe 137
toolElyssiard Pickaxe 155

Special Tools

Occasionaly you may stumble across a special pickaxe. These are listed here.

NameLvl Req
Raahn Pickaxe25

Random Finds

Whilst mining it is possible to dig up random items. These can be things like boxes, rocks or - if you are lucky - Precious Stones.

Small Locked Box
Large Locked Box
Small Citrine
Spirit Stone
(Only available in The Poisoned Lands)
Morning Sapphire
Silent Dream
Cinnabar Ruby
Twilight Bliss
Earth Tear
Divine Light
Time Stone
Sky Sapphire