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Collector's suits | Food

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Jump to: What is cooking?||How do I start Cooking?||Locations||Tools||Fish||Other Cooked Meals

What is Cooking?

During the process of cooking, raw fish can be transformed into food which can heal health points during combat. Cooking is not limited to fish, there are other recipes that can also be used during Cooking.

How do I start Cooking?

To start cooking you will need raw fish, some wood or lumber and a tinderbox. Once the tinderbox is equipped you will see a link appear which will be named "Cook". Clicking it will allow you to select the various options available for cooking.

For an additional timer reduction bonus, you can equip a skillet to your shield slot. Skillets used whilst cooking do have a chance to break into Myztical Fragments.

Please note that while Cooking you do have a chance of accidentally burning the fish you are trying to cook.


Cooking can be done in any location. You can access this by equipping your Tinderbox. Ths should make the Cooking option appear in the location menu.

Some locations do offer benefits to cooks. These are listed below.

HeimaAvantiDecreased timer


The following list displays all the tools that can be used in Cooking.

NameLvl Req
toolPlain Tinderbox 1
toolKalenite Skillet 1
toolKam Skillet 7
toolRosewood Tinderbox 7
toolMahogany Tinderbox 13
toolEntrium Skillet 13
toolBamboo Tinderbox 22
toolCoridium Skillet 24
toolMaple Tinderbox 31
toolErthhart Skillet 35
toolWitch Willow Tinderbox 43
toolLightshard Skillet 48
toolEnchanted Tinderbox 55
toolMaelniir Skillet 61
toolAsh Tinderbox 70
toolBludore Skillet 75
toolWillow Tinderbox 85
toolRelmymik Skillet 89
toolShadow Tinderbox 103
toolTrillid Skillet 104
toolSharite Skillet 120
toolSun Tinderbox 121
toolOspulsior Skillet 137
toolMoon Tinderbox 142
toolElyssiard Skillet 155
toolStar Tinderbox 163


The following is all the fish that can be cooked.

NameLvl ReqExpHP Healed
Cooked Green Minnow1141
Cooked Smallfin4152
Cooked Black Herring8173
Cooked Featherback13194
Cooked Bluefish16215
Cooked Trapse23256
Cooked Opalfish27277
Cooked Snapperfish32328
Cooked Dwarf Snakehead37369
Cooked Midnight Perch414010
Cooked Angelfish454411
Cooked Pike505012
Cooked Dreami545513
Cooked Bloodfish586114
Cooked Ghostfish606415
Cooked Mud Carp657316
Cooked Dragonfish698017
Cooked Spotted Eel749118
Cooked Butterflyfish7910419
Cooked Golden Stripe Soapfish8411820
Cooked Grandray Shark8913421
Cooked Shadowfish9415222
Cooked Ocean Sunfish9917223
Cooked Flat Eel10419624
Cooked Yellow Face Fish10922225
Cooked Flying Tuna11425326

Other Cooked Meals

Below you will find a list of the other things you can cook.

NameLvl ReqExpIngredientsHP Healed
Flour10162 Grain0
Bread15202 Flour6
Strawberry Cream Cake20234 Flour, 4 Strawberry15
Carrot and Lettuce Broth30302 Bottle of Water, 2 Carrot, 1 Lettuce20
Leek and Sweetcorn Broth48472 Bottle of Water, 2 Leek, 1 Sweetcorn32