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Collector's suits | Food

harvesting icon

Jump to: What is Harvesting?||How do I start Harvesting?||Plantations||Tools||Gloves||Other Actions

What is Harvesting?

Harvesting is the process of collecting grown fruit, vegetables and other resources such as cotton or flax that need to be grown. It is one of the stages in plantation fixtures. A Sickle will be needed to harvest plants. Harvesting can also be used for doing actions like filling glass bottles.

The type of crop a plantation has is random between all available crops at that location. Avesta, for example, holds Greengage, Brussel Sprouts and Strawberries at random intervals.

How do I start Harvesting?

Harvesting can be started in two ways. The first is to find a plantation that is growing Greengage or Flax and start collecting some crops with a sickle equipped. The second is to take glass bottles to Ninesprings to be filled with water. Gloves can be equipped to help provide timer reductions.


Harvesting must be done at plantations. There are several plantations throughout the lands and the locations be seen below.

LocationBase Crops
AvestaGreengage, Flax,
SalraBrussels Sprout, Cotton,
Rocky HighlandsStrawberry, Carrot,
StonehillGrain, Nectarine,
RoseynLong Grass, Lettuce,
GreenwalkLemon, Leek,
Frosty FieldsSweetcorn, Blackberry,
NinespringsMushroom, Orange,
AtenaOnion, Banana,
Entes ArboretumFrosted Apple, Cinnamon,
Cotton Tail MeadowMango, Papaya, Raisins,
Merricks Estate
Skulled Pumpkin PatchPumpkin,


The following crops can be found at various locations around Elyssia.

NameLvl ReqExpTimer
harvestFlax 1 14 37
harvestFrosted Apple 1 80 60
harvestCinnamon 1 80 60
harvestPumpkin 1 14 19
harvestGreengage 1 14 37
harvestBrussels Sprout 6 16 39
harvestCotton 7 17 40
harvestStrawberry 11 18 42
harvestCarrot 16 21 44
harvestGrain 21 24 47
harvestNectarine 26 27 50
harvestLong Grass 28 28 52
harvestLettuce 31 31 54
harvestLemon 36 35 57
harvestLeek 41 39 61
harvestBlackberry 46 45 65
harvestSweetcorn 51 51 69
harvestOrange 56 58 73
harvestMushroom 61 66 78
harvestBanana 66 75 83
harvestOnion 71 85 89
harvestApple 76 96 95
harvestCranberry 81 109 101
harvestPapaya 86 124 107
harvestMango 91 141 114


These sickles can be used to harvest plants.

NameLvl Req
toolKalenite Sickle 1
toolKam Sickle 7
toolEntrium Sickle 13
toolCoridium Sickle 24
toolErthhart Sickle 35
toolLightshard Sickle 48
toolMaelniir Sickle 61
toolBludore Sickle 75
toolRelmymik Sickle 89
toolTrillid Sickle 104
toolSharite Sickle 120
toolOspulsior Sickle 137
toolElyssiard Sickle 155


The following gloves can be used during harvesting to gain timer reductions.

ItemLvl ReqEffect
Leather Gloves1-5% work time

Other Actions

The following list shows alternative methods of gaining harvesting experience to working at plantations. Glass Bottle is also required to collect spring water.

ActionLocationLvl ReqExpAmount
Collect Spring WaterVissa1151
Collect Spring WaterNinesprings30352
Collect Spring WaterPrague60603