General:   Getting Started | Rules | Quests | Clans | Bestiary | Item Search | Map | Supporting The Game | Exp/Lvl | Chat Commands

Skills:   Aestium | Alchemy | Combat | Conjuring | Construction | Cooking | Crafting | Creature Handling | Enchanting | Exploration | Fishing | Fletching | Gardening | Glassblowing | Harvesting | Hunting | Mining | Navigation | Smithing | Speed | Tailoring | Thieving | Woodcutting | Woodworking

Special Equipment:   Aestium | Alchemy | Conjuring | Construction | Cooking | Crafting | Creature Handling | Enchanting | Exploration | Fishing | Fletching | Gardening | Glassblowing | Harvesting | Hunting | Mining | Navigation | Smithing | Speed | Tailoring | Thieving | Woodcutting | Woodworking

Collector's suits | Food



Avesta is a large woodland area which spans across several town's territories. It's rich in good quality wood and the fruit trees and vegetable patches provide frequent harvests, which people attend from miles around. Avesta the town itself is fairly small and home mostly to farmers and loggers. They are a friendly enough bunch, if a bit dull. If you're looking for some wood or some free food, this is the place to be. The townspeople are happy for you to take whatever you can gather, there is plenty for everyone.

Work LinksChop Wood, Plantation,
Sub Locations
Adjacent LocationsRocky Highlands, Olias,
Can Build?Yes
Can Trade?Yes
Can Cook?Yes
Exploration Exp40