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gardening icon

Jump to: What is gardening?||How do I start gardening?|Locations||Tools||Crops

What is Gardening?

Gardening allows you to plant seeds into a plantation, you can also water the seeds once they have been planted. Gardening in plantations could provide the plantation small bonuses. Plantations at different locations contain different crops.

How do I start Gardening?

To start gardening you will need a watering can to water plants, or a dibber to plant seeds. You will also need to be at a plantation that is in the gardening stage.
When you arrive you will see a link which will say 'Help the plant grow by watering the grounds' to help water the crops, or 'Cultivate the lands by planting seeds' to plant seeds in a plantation.


Gardening must be done at plantations. There are several plantations throughout the lands and the locations be seen below.

LocationBase Crops
AvestaGreengage, Flax,
SalraBrussels Sprout, Cotton,
Rocky HighlandsStrawberry, Carrot,
StonehillGrain, Nectarine,
RoseynLong Grass, Lettuce,
GreenwalkLemon, Leek,
Frosty FieldsSweetcorn, Blackberry,
NinespringsMushroom, Orange,
AtenaOnion, Banana,
Entes ArboretumFrosted Apple, Cinnamon,
Cotton Tail MeadowMango, Papaya, Raisins,
Merricks Estate
Skulled Pumpkin PatchPumpkin,


The following list displays all the tools that can be used in Gardening.

ItemLvl Req
toolRocky Watering Can 1
toolKalenite Dibber 1
toolKam Dibber 7
toolEntrium Dibber 13
toolCoridium Dibber 24
toolErthhart Dibber 35
toolLightshard Dibber 48
toolMaelniir Dibber 61
toolBludore Dibber 75
toolRelmymik Dibber 89
toolTrillid Dibber 104
toolSharite Dibber 120
toolOspulsior Dibber 137
toolElyssiard Dibber 155


The following list displays all of the crops and levels required to plant.

NameLvl ReqExpTimer
harvestFlax Seed 1 14 19
harvestPumpkin Seed 1 14 19
harvestGreengage Seed 1 14 19
harvestBrussels Sprout Seed 6 16 20
harvestCotton Seed 7 17 20
harvestStrawberry Seed 11 18 21
harvestCarrot Seed 16 21 22
harvestGrain Seed 21 24 24
harvestNectarine Seed 26 27 25
harvestLong Grass Seed 28 28 26
harvestLettuce Seed 31 31 27
harvestLemon Seed 36 35 29
harvestLeek Seed 41 39 31
harvestBlackberry Seed 46 45 33
harvestSweetcorn Seed 51 51 35
harvestOrange Seed 56 58 37
harvestMushroom Seed 61 66 39
harvestBanana Seed 66 75 42
harvestOnion Seed 71 85 45
harvestApple Seed 76 96 48
harvestCranberry Seed 81 109 51
harvestPapaya Seed 86 124 54
harvestMango Seed 91 141 57