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navigation icon

Jump to: What is navigation?||How do I start navigation?||Inland Exploration||Deep Sea Exploration||Naval Relay||Ocean Exploration||Map Working Tools||Map Working Recipes||Locating Islands

What is Navigation?

Navigation is a 3 part skill. These three parts are exploring deep waters, creating maps, and exploring for islands.

Navigation skill gains experience in a way that is different from any other. Instead of doing different actions to gain higher experience, the experience comes from navigating higher leveled boats which each have a requirement. However, the experience gained through map making is a set amount per each action.

How do I start Navigation?

Navigation can be started in 2 ways. The easiest is to equip a small fishing boat and head to Port Suresa to perform some inland exploration. The second is to gather ingredients and equip quills to create maps at Lighthouse Tavern.

Both of these actions can be found on Portways Island which can be sailed to from Port Solera.

Inland Exploration

Below you will find a summary of the boats you can use to explore the seas at Suresa Port.

NameLvl ReqExp
Small Fishing Boat114
Row Boat2423

Deep Sea Exploration

Below you will find a summary of the boats you can use to explore the seas at Estrin Port.

NameLvl ReqExp
Small Underwater Explorer1324
Large Underwater Explorer7541

Naval Relay

Below you will find a summary of the boats you can use to perform naval relay at Wetlock Port.

NameLvl ReqExp

Ocean Exploration

Below you will find a summary of the boats you can use to explore the briny blue at Nerrish Port.

NameLvl ReqExp
Large Fishing Boat6131

Map Working Tools

Below you will find a summary of all the tools currently available to use in Map Working. Map Working can be done at Lighthouse Tavern.

NameLvl Req
toolYellow Quill 1
toolGreen Quill 7
toolBrown Quill 13
toolOrange Quill 24
toolRed Quill 35
toolWhite Quill 48
toolBlue Quill 61
toolSky Quill 75
toolPurple Quill 89
toolLime Quill 104
toolBlood Quill 120
toolBlack Quill 137
toolPink Quill 155

Map Working Recipes

Below you will find a summary of all the items you can currently design.

ItemLvl ReqIngredientsExp
itemMap11 Scroll, 3 Squid Ink, 14
itemMap101 Map in a Bottle, 18

Locating Islands

This action can be performed at Estrin Port. When you find an island, your map is changed to adjust for the coordinates of the island you have found and can be visited (opened) to gain some bonus exp in the skill you are performing by exploring the island you have found. This action can be done with any boat, but the experience gained increases if you use a better leveled boat.