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Skills:   Aestium | Alchemy | Combat | Conjuring | Construction | Cooking | Crafting | Creature Handling | Enchanting | Exploration | Fishing | Fletching | Gardening | Glassblowing | Harvesting | Hunting | Mining | Navigation | Smithing | Speed | Tailoring | Thieving | Woodcutting | Woodworking

Special Equipment:   Aestium | Alchemy | Conjuring | Construction | Cooking | Crafting | Creature Handling | Enchanting | Exploration | Fishing | Fletching | Gardening | Glassblowing | Harvesting | Hunting | Mining | Navigation | Smithing | Speed | Tailoring | Thieving | Woodcutting | Woodworking

Collector's suits | Food

Special fletching Equipment

Jump to: Hats||Shields||Chest||Tools||Hands||Legs||Feet||Neck||Ring||Mount

Below is a list of all the equipment that can be used to benefit training fletching.


HatYellow Leather Hat of Fletching1
HatGreen Leather Hat of Fletching7
HatBrown Leather Hat of Fletching13
HatOrange Leather Hat of Fletching24
HatRed Leather Hat of Fletching35
HatWhite Leather Hat of Fletching48
HatBlue Leather Hat of Fletching61
HatSky Leather Hat of Fletching75
HatPurple Leather Hat of Fletching89
HatLime Leather Hat of Fletching104
HatBlood Leather Hat of Fletching120
HatBlack Leather Hat of Fletching137
HatPink Leather Hat of Fletching155


There are no special shields for this skill.


ChestYellow Leather Vest of Fletching6
ChestGreen Leather Vest of Fletching12
ChestBrown Leather Vest of Fletching22
ChestOrange Leather Vest of Fletching33
ChestRed Leather Vest of Fletching45
ChestWhite Leather Vest of Fletching58
ChestBlue Leather Vest of Fletching72
ChestSky Leather Vest of Fletching86
ChestPurple Leather Vest of Fletching101
ChestLime Leather Vest of Fletching117
ChestBlood Leather Vest of Fletching134
ChestBlack Leather Vest of Fletching152
ChestPink Leather Vest of Fletching170


ToolQuick Kalenite Drawknife1
ToolAgile Kalenite Drawknife1
ToolLightning Kalenite Drawknife1
ToolRigid Kalenite Drawknife1
ToolInflexible Kalenite Drawknife1
ToolUnyielding Kalenite Drawknife1
ToolQuick Kam Drawknife7
ToolAgile Kam Drawknife7
ToolLightning Kam Drawknife7
ToolRigid Kam Drawknife7
ToolInflexible Kam Drawknife7
ToolUnyielding Kam Drawknife7
ToolQuick Entrium Drawknife13
ToolAgile Entrium Drawknife13
ToolLightning Entrium Drawknife13
ToolRigid Entrium Drawknife13
ToolInflexible Entrium Drawknife13
ToolUnyielding Entrium Drawknife13
ToolQuick Coridium Drawknife24
ToolAgile Coridium Drawknife24
ToolLightning Coridium Drawknife24
ToolRigid Coridium Drawknife24
ToolInflexible Coridium Drawknife24
ToolUnyielding Coridium Drawknife24
ToolQuick Erthhart Drawknife35
ToolAgile Erthhart Drawknife35
ToolLightning Erthhart Drawknife35
ToolRigid Erthhart Drawknife35
ToolInflexible Erthhart Drawknife35
ToolUnyielding Erthhart Drawknife35
ToolQuick Lightshard Drawknife48
ToolAgile Lightshard Drawknife48
ToolLightning Lightshard Drawknife48
ToolRigid Lightshard Drawknife48
ToolInflexible Lightshard Drawknife48
ToolUnyielding Lightshard Drawknife48
ToolQuick Maelniir Drawknife61
ToolAgile Maelniir Drawknife61
ToolLightning Maelniir Drawknife61
ToolRigid Maelniir Drawknife61
ToolInflexible Maelniir Drawknife61
ToolUnyielding Maelniir Drawknife61
ToolQuick Bludore Drawknife75
ToolAgile Bludore Drawknife75
ToolLightning Bludore Drawknife75
ToolRigid Bludore Drawknife75
ToolInflexible Bludore Drawknife75
ToolUnyielding Bludore Drawknife75
ToolQuick Relmymik Drawknife89
ToolAgile Relmymik Drawknife89
ToolLightning Relmymik Drawknife89
ToolRigid Relmymik Drawknife89
ToolInflexible Relmymik Drawknife89
ToolUnyielding Relmymik Drawknife89
ToolQuick Trillid Drawknife104
ToolAgile Trillid Drawknife104
ToolLightning Trillid Drawknife104
ToolRigid Trillid Drawknife104
ToolInflexible Trillid Drawknife104
ToolUnyielding Trillid Drawknife104
ToolQuick Sharite Drawknife120
ToolAgile Sharite Drawknife120
ToolLightning Sharite Drawknife120
ToolRigid Sharite Drawknife120
ToolInflexible Sharite Drawknife120
ToolUnyielding Sharite Drawknife120
ToolQuick Ospulsior Drawknife137
ToolAgile Ospulsior Drawknife137
ToolLightning Ospulsior Drawknife137
ToolRigid Ospulsior Drawknife137
ToolInflexible Ospulsior Drawknife137
ToolUnyielding Ospulsior Drawknife137
ToolQuick Elyssiard Drawknife155
ToolAgile Elyssiard Drawknife155
ToolLightning Elyssiard Drawknife155
ToolRigid Elyssiard Drawknife155
ToolInflexible Elyssiard Drawknife155
ToolUnyielding Elyssiard Drawknife155


HandsYellow Leather Gloves of Fletching2
HandsGreen Leather Gloves of Fletching8
HandsBrown Leather Gloves of Fletching14
HandsOrange Leather Gloves of Fletching25
HandsRed Leather Gloves of Fletching37
HandsWhite Leather Gloves of Fletching50
HandsBlue Leather Gloves of Fletching63
HandsSky Leather Gloves of Fletching77
HandsPurple Leather Gloves of Fletching91
HandsLime Leather Gloves of Fletching106
HandsBlood Leather Gloves of Fletching122
HandsBlack Leather Gloves of Fletching140
HandsPink Leather Gloves of Fletching158


LegsYellow Leather Pants of Fletching4
LegsGreen Leather Pants of Fletching10
LegsBrown Leather Pants of Fletching18
LegsOrange Leather Pants of Fletching29
LegsRed Leather Pants of Fletching41
LegsWhite Leather Pants of Fletching54
LegsBlue Leather Pants of Fletching67
LegsSky Leather Pants of Fletching81
LegsPurple Leather Pants of Fletching95
LegsLime Leather Pants of Fletching111
LegsBlood Leather Pants of Fletching127
LegsBlack Leather Pants of Fletching146
LegsPink Leather Pants of Fletching164


FeetYellow Leather Boots of Fletching3
FeetGreen Leather Boots of Fletching9
FeetBrown Leather Boots of Fletching16
FeetOrange Leather Boots of Fletching27
FeetRed Leather Boots of Fletching39
FeetWhite Leather Boots of Fletching52
FeetBlue Leather Boots of Fletching65
FeetSky Leather Boots of Fletching79
FeetPurple Leather Boots of Fletching93
FeetLime Leather Boots of Fletching108
FeetBlood Leather Boots of Fletching124
FeetBlack Leather Boots of Fletching143
FeetPink Leather Boots of Fletching161


NeckKalenite Necklace of Fletching7
NeckKam Necklace of Fletching13
NeckEntrium Necklace of Fletching24
NeckCoridium Necklace of Fletching35
NeckErthhart Necklace of Fletching48
NeckLightshard Necklace of Fletching61
NeckMaelniir Necklace of Fletching75
NeckBludore Necklace of Fletching89
NeckRelmymik Necklace of Fletching104
NeckTrillid Necklace of Fletching120
NeckSharite Necklace of Fletching137
NeckOspulsior Necklace of Fletching155
NeckElyssiard Necklace of Fletching173


RingKalenite Ring of Fletching5
RingKam Ring of Fletching11
RingEntrium Ring of Fletching20
RingCoridium Ring of Fletching31
RingErthhart Ring of Fletching43
RingLightshard Ring of Fletching56
RingMaelniir Ring of Fletching69
RingBludore Ring of Fletching83
RingRelmymik Ring of Fletching98
RingTrillid Ring of Fletching114
RingSharite Ring of Fletching131
RingOspulsior Ring of Fletching149
RingElyssiard Ring of Fletching167


MountReLulu Costume Camel0