General:   Getting Started | Rules | Quests | Clans | Bestiary | Item Search | Map | Supporting The Game | Exp/Lvl | Chat Commands

Skills:   Aestium | Alchemy | Combat | Conjuring | Construction | Cooking | Crafting | Creature Handling | Enchanting | Exploration | Fishing | Fletching | Gardening | Glassblowing | Harvesting | Hunting | Mining | Navigation | Smithing | Speed | Tailoring | Thieving | Woodcutting | Woodworking

Special Equipment:   Aestium | Alchemy | Conjuring | Construction | Cooking | Crafting | Creature Handling | Enchanting | Exploration | Fishing | Fletching | Gardening | Glassblowing | Harvesting | Hunting | Mining | Navigation | Smithing | Speed | Tailoring | Thieving | Woodcutting | Woodworking

Collector's suits | Food



Strathaven is a small port city. You look around and take notice that the city itself is not all that big. Most of the ships are carrying goods from the far side of the island to Port Scheria where they will be traded and loaded onto other ships bound for other islands in the realm. The waters here have properties which bring unique fishes to the area. These fish thrive on the attention of the ships and some can be seen swimming close to the surface. Out on the water, fishers can be seen trying to catch the playful sea life.

Work LinksFishing Spot,
Sub Locations
Adjacent LocationsKeno,
Can Build?Yes
Can Trade?Yes
Can Cook?Yes
Exploration Exp1250