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Collector's suits | Food


Description:Zombies are the foot soldiers of the Gloom Weaver's army. They are created when the Gloom Weaver uses its shadowy threads to possess the corpses of fallen enemies. Shadow Zombies are mindless husks of their former selves, driven only by the Gloom Weaver's will to destroy.  Zombies are relatively weak individually, but they are more dangerous in numbers. They are also immune to fear, making them difficult to deter.  Zombies are often used by the Gloom Weaver to overwhelm its enemies with sheer numbers. They can also be used to distract enemies while the Gloom Weaver prepares its more powerful attacks.
Combat Level:19
Hit Points:16
Max Hit:11
Drops:Trick, Treat, Zombie Fake Axe, Zombie Brain, Zombie Mask, Zombie Torso, Zombie Hands, Zombie Feet, Zombie Legs, Sol,