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Skills:   Aestium | Alchemy | Combat | Conjuring | Construction | Cooking | Crafting | Creature Handling | Enchanting | Exploration | Fishing | Fletching | Gardening | Glassblowing | Harvesting | Hunting | Mining | Navigation | Smithing | Speed | Tailoring | Thieving | Woodcutting | Woodworking

Special Equipment:   Aestium | Alchemy | Conjuring | Construction | Cooking | Crafting | Creature Handling | Enchanting | Exploration | Fishing | Fletching | Gardening | Glassblowing | Harvesting | Hunting | Mining | Navigation | Smithing | Speed | Tailoring | Thieving | Woodcutting | Woodworking

Collector's suits | Food


Description:Everyone has heard about unicorns before right? The supposedly mythical beast that looks like a horse and has a spiraled horn growing out of its head? Well, it seems like they are not so mythical any more. In fact we are getting reports that they are causing problems in various towns and villages at an alarming rate, but that is not the reason why we are worried. These unicorns normally are a shy and peaceful type of animal, and a large number of them have never shown up like this before. Can you investigate before this gets much worse?
Combat Level:1
Hit Points:4
Max Hit:1
Locations:Dunes of Sugar,
Drops:Cooked Featherback, Orange Bud, Treat, Small Citrine,